Hockey Gear For Kids

    hockey gear

  • In ice hockey, players use specialized equipment both to facilitate the play of the game and for protection as this is a sport where injuries are common, therefore, all players are encouraged to protect their bodies from bruises and severe fractures.

    for kids

  • Virtual Stadium Tours
  • 4Kids Entertainment (commonly known as 4Kids) is a Worldwide International American film and television production company. It is known for English-dubbing Japanese anime, specializing in the acquisition, production and licensing of children’s entertainment around the United States.
  • The Sport Ju-Jutsu system for kids is designed to stimulate movement and to encourage the kids natural joy of moving their bodies. The kids train all exercises from Sport Ju-Jutsu but many academys leave out punches and kicks for their youngest athlethes.

hockey gear for kids

The Wall Inspector..

The Wall Inspector..
Stockholm, April 2012.
"Street photography"

I was setting up my gear for an architectual LE shot when I spotted some kids
playing floorball against a house wall nearby. When the camera did its long exposure I
walked up to the kids and took this shot with my X100. The second after, they
spotted me and got upset as they thought that I would call the cops on them and
use the picture as evidence.

– Why would I do that? I said while laughing.
– The marks on the wall. We didn´t do them!!! One of them said.
– Yes we did!! Yelled another.
– No we didn´t!! Replied the first kid while giving the other kid the evil eye.
– Hey hey, take it easy, I´m no wall inspector, I couldn´t care less as its only dirt anyway.
I just wanted a cool shot. Have fun guys….I walked away as I didn´t wanna upset them any further.

When I thought about it during that evening, I´ve understood even more that you should be
very careful when shooting kids as they have their mind of their own. Most often more than an
adult. It wasn´t my intetion to get them scared or upset in anyway. My mind is always set on
the image, the art and it´s easy to forget how other people interpret what you are doing with your
camera. I mean, like when I did the LE shot of that building.

– What are you shooting?
– The building.
– What are you waiting for?
– Clouds.
– Well, they´re up there.
– Not the right ones.

I must sound like an idiot to them…

Keg Hockey!

Keg Hockey!
Choteau, Montana. This is a marvelous bit of silliness absolutely made for a blistering July day. In Choteau’s case, the volunteer fire departments get together and open the course to civilians, providing them, including kids (seen here) with turn-out gear and high-pressure hoses. Smaller kids, as above, play in teams of two with a little less pressure in the hoses. The object is to push an empty beer keg over the opposing goal line with a stream of water. It is a hoot to watch!